Student's work

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I. Discovery of technical vocabulary for the shapes :

After have understanding the words by cliquing on them, activate the drop-down menus to choose the good words.

Print your work after finishing.

Technical words that describe volumes and surfaces of a part : Cylinder, Beveled edge, Line, Thread, Hole, Plane, Sphere, Counter Bore.

A. The arm :

B. The stand :

C. The small connecting rod :

D. The rim :

II. Discovery of technical vocabulary for the Street-carver :

You have now to present the axle of the Street-carver to the class. Prepare a speech to explain the purpose of each standard parts.

The Street-Carver.

Here are some additionnal and usefull vocabulary words

to explain the form of the part : Edge, milling, oblong hole, tap.

Here are some additionnal and usefull vocabulary words to explain the working of the axle : Pivot, hinge, deck. wheel, rim, aluminium, turning.

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